CoStrategix Hosted First-Ever Tech Talk & Toast


The expert panel at the CoStrategix Tech Talk & Toast focused on AI Trends Shaping the Data Management Landscape.

CoStrategix Tech Talk & Toast news header

CoStrategix is proud to announce that it hosted its first-ever Tech Talk & toast event, welcoming a diverse audience for a panel discussion and a networking happy hour at its office. The event was designed to encourage networking and collaboration. The casual setting of the happy hour, complete with appetizers and beverages, facilitated open and meaningful conversations.

The focus of the panel discussion was AI Trends Shaping the Data Management Landscape. The panelists were well-recognized in their fields as industry leaders:

CoStrategix Tech Talk & Toast panel speakers

The topics discussed by the panel weaved from how AI is being used as an accelerator for data modernization, to which AI use cases are currently being deployed, to personal predictions about the most interesting AI developments of the future.

Here were a few insights from the speakers:

Impact of AI/ML

  • First mile: data acquisition – Now easy to index and access.
  • Last mile: data consumer access – Through conversation, users receive charts and graphs automatically.

GenAI Use Case in Software Development Lifecycle

  • Application building and platform modernization.
  • Transcribing notes from requirements meetings.
  • Generating high-level requirements, stories, and test cases.
  • Achieving 65% faster productivity for business analysts, data analysts, and QA teams.

Future AI Model Optimization

  • Current models optimize for a single purpose.
  • Future: need a system where multiple AI models determine the best business decisions.

Data Trust and Reputation Scores

  • Current concern: Source trustworthiness of data.
  • Future: Data models interacting with end users may have reputation scores to promote trustworthiness.
  • Challenges: Determining accurate reputation scores, proper data foundation, and model training.
  • Certification of GenAI models emerging as key.

LLM and Model Hallucinations

  • Risk of producing hallucinations still a challenge.
  • Fine-tuning AI models to prevent drift and hallucinations is key to avoid negative consequences.

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