Product Development

Transform Your Ideas into Market-Leading Products

Fueling Competitive Advantage

You don’t need us to tell you how brutal competition can be. One way for you to stand out among the fray is to create unique, customized solutions that prioritize customer needs and focus on value creation.

Break Free From Ordinary and Harness Your Superpowers

There are times when standardization is good. Standing out in a crowded market is not one of them.

Infuse AI Into Products

Infuse GenAI and ML capabilities into products to drive new competitive advantages and market share

Off-the-Shelf Doesn’t Fit

Off-the-shelf software is too expensive to customize
or doesn’t support your operational processes

Productize Services

Productize your services and drive a higher multiple of valuation while also driving customer proximity

Unique Experiences

You want to design an enhanced, integrated, or multi-experience solution for your customers or partners

Data Products

Productize data assets to open up new revenue streams

From Vision to Reality Comprehensive Product Development Services

CoStrategix translates your unique product vision into a robust, scalable, and user-friendly solution that differentiates your organization in the marketplace.

Our Solutions

Our unique framework-based approach dramatically streamlines the design and implementation process, saving time, resources, and money.


Resilent Data Cloud Framework

Approach your modernization initiatives with this continuously updated, best-practices framework to minimize technology risks and rework.


Data Science Framework (AI/ML Model Development, MLOps)

Leverage your data assets with this framework to build intelligent products and applications using Generative AI and Machine Learning capabilities.


Data Strategy Framework

Reduce total cost of ownership by using our CI/CD and test automation frameworks to automate deployments and deliver uptime and reliability.

Product Development Capabilities

With our comprehensive suite of services – from product ideation and design
through engineering and managed operations – we ensure your product’s success at every stage.

Product Planning Checklist

Our Product Planning Checklist is a valuable tool drawn from our many years of experience
in building products and platforms – it helps shorten the product-planning cycle.

The Tenets of Our Product Development Philosophy

Our process transcends mere creation by blending a laser focus on your business priorities with our relentless pursuit of excellence.


We become an extension of your team to jointly deliver on your critical business outcomes

Product-Centered Approach

We recognize that you don’t operate in a static environment and products must continue to adapt to changing needs


We work iteratively and agilely to make sure you derive the greatest value from every sprint

Human-Centered Design

We focus on understanding the needs and preferences of users as core to the product lifecycle

Success Stories

We apply this approach across all of our client engagements. But don’t just take our word for it.


Developing a Custom Media-Planning Platform

How do you bring the value of a full-service media and marketing agency to companies with a smaller purse? This was the challenge faced by Empower, a nationally recognized leader in media planning and buying and analytics.


Developing a Custom Media-Planning Platform

How do you bring the value of a full-service media and marketing agency to companies with a smaller purse? This was the challenge faced by Empower, a nationally recognized leader in media planning and buying and analytics.

Insights & Perspectives

6 Frameworks To Ensure A Product Market Fit

The market is littered with well-intended failures from companies that neglected to listen to the market. In fact, 35% of startups fail because there is no market need for their products, according to CB Insights: There’s no product market fit….

How to Use Business Process Mapping to Improve Data Quality

How is it that organizations invest plenty of resources in data platforms to help them manage and cleanse their data… and yet, they still have missing, duplicative, or unusable data?…

4 Pitfalls to Avoid When Creating a Customer Journey Map

Creating a customer journey map is a collaborative process of gathering qualitative and quantitative data to create a visual story of how people interact with your product to achieve their goals…

Talk product strategy with an expert

Schedule a session to speak with one of our product experts, who will discuss your ideas and help pioneer a path to your unique digital future

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